Our Works

Judge Phils Zine of Goodies – Vol. 1

Our first work ever, this started as a supplemental character that we wrote for one of my players that was turned into a psychic fish! After a little bit of balancing, I thought it might be pretty neat to keep it coming with more classes, spells, weapons, and a cool super encounter/mini module for others to run!

The contents of this zine include
-Class: The Amphibious Brain Slayer along with 3 spells
-Class: The Deathmatch Wrestler along with 5 new weapons
-Encounter/Adventure: Cage of Death 5

Check it out here

Judge Phils Zine of Goodies – Vol. 2 – The Cuisine of Savorous


Unknown to anyone other than his disciples, the self proclaimed “glut emperor” Cyril, wishes to bring the teachings of his patron “Savorous” through forceful methods; bloodshed! Upon the use of alchemy and calling upon his worshiped lord, Cyril and his cultists have been tainting the food of the city of Ainara, just not in the way you would think.

Families across town would sit down together after a long day to break bread and slice cheese, only to realize that they wouldn’t be the ones consuming their meals together…the meals would be consuming them. More and more, incidents of food coming to life, growing legs and sharp teeth would occur. Soldiers would bust down the doors of families’ homes to find grim sights of everyone in the home stripped of organs and flesh.

With Ainaras’ government at a loss, and unsure who to turn to, it is up to the party to gather together, and search for clues as to where the source of these “edible mimics” stem from.

Judge Phils’ Zine of Goodies includes a full 3-floor level 3 dungeon, a brand new patron, and a special recipe.

Check it out here

Judge Phils’ Zine of Goodies Vol. III – Downtime Delights & DANGERS

Are you ready to take your DCC sessions to the next level? Ever find your players struggling with what they should do during downtime? Well, our third and FINAL issue of Judge Phils’ ZINE of GOODIES is EXACTLY what you’re looking for!

This issue has tons of new and delightful treats for both judges and players alike. Some of these delicious decadents include:

  • New Class – The Were-Raptor G-Person
  • New System – Real Estate Investing
  • New System – Stand-Up Comedy
  • New System – Armored Advertising Agency
  • New Dungeon – Boulder Mine
  • New Dungeon – Horse Warranty Department

Why wait when you could be enjoying all of the delights from the FINAL installment of Judge Phils’ ZINE of GOODIES!